Air clean up
Compact skid mounted oxidizer meets abatement challenge
Mar 04 2009
AirProtekt (UK) has installed a Honeycat Air Pollution Control & Energy Saving System for the abatement of Iso Proply Alcohol from the drying/curing process exhaust gases of three static drying ovens used in the manufacture of specialist batteries for drilling applications in the global oil and gas industry.
The cost-effective Honeycat Air Pollution Control & Energy Saving System installed by AirProtekt was a compact skid mounted oxidiser designed to easily comply with the environmental emission limits required by the plant’s local regulatory authorities.
Commenting on the project Trevor Lawton, AirProtekt’s managing director, said: “The application called for a highly flexible abatement system to fit exactly with the requirement for batch based production runs. It was essential that the system offered low running costs and had the ability to achieve a quick start up and be run at low process flowrates”.
“The alternative solution for the project was to a thermal oxidation system which would have had resulted in high running costs and would have required natural gas having to be bought into the factory area. The thermal oxidation approach would also have proved inflexible because should production demand drop to low levels the abatement plant would still have had to be kept running which is not attractive economically speaking.”
The reliable Honeycat Air Pollution Control & Energy Saving System offers an expected availability of more than 99 percent and is equipped with a superior performance catalyst to ensure environmental emission limits for Iso Proply Alcohol are easily handled.
The electrically pre heated abatement system is designed to be a very low maintenance solution. The system is capable of running at low catalyst operating temperatures which results in low thermal stress and a long operating life. The abatement equipment was skid mounted to ensure that on-site installation time was minimised and the site’s production throughput rates were unaffected. The air pollution system has also been designed to operate very quietly because the battery manufacturing plant is located near residential properties.
“The consultant acting for the manufacturing company during the project said he was impressed with AirProtekt’s engineering support and its ability to complete the project so quickly and within the tight deadline. The performance and quality of the equipment supplied as well as the user friendly control systems were also noted favourably,” explained Lawton.
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