• MultiPhase Biofilter is Superior Alternative for VOC Control

Air clean up

MultiPhase Biofilter is Superior Alternative for VOC Control

Tri-Mer Corp (USA), a manufacturer of air pollution systems for the most difficult gases and particulate, has introduced the MultiPhase BioSystem, a major milestone in “green” technology for VOC control.

The MultiPhase incorporates both air phase and liquid phase approaches, taking advantage of the natural tendency of VOCs to partition into both phases. It uses proprietary media, and enhanced bioremediation techniques to treat high inlet concentrations of VOC with efficiencies up to 98%.

MultiPhase uses permanent, synthetic ceramic biomedia, which is surface-modified to allow accelerated attachment and growth. It has a very high biologically active surface area, and will not clog due to biomass growth or particulate accumulation. The media bed is self-cleaning, and never needs to be replaced.

The MultiPhase has a small, manageable footprint. It is a single-vessel system that can be sited close to the emission source, sometimes even inside the facility, minimizing long duct runs.

The MultiPhase generates minimal wet and solid waste, and does not create NOx by-products. It also produces much less CO2 because it is not burning natural gas. Its lifecycle environmental impact is much smaller than biofilters, RTO and RCO.

Applications that benefit most from Multiphase technology include manufacturers of fiberglass, adhesives, resins, and engineered lumber; also processors who generate emissions from formaldehyde, methanol, turpenes, pinenes, and other VOC species.
The system is ideal for tars, waxes and heavy VOC compounds. MultiPhase is unique in that it is compatible with high-temperature VOC emissions, such as those from dryers and other hot processes. This is a substantial advantage over biofilters, whose use is limited to processes with low inlet temperatures.

In contrast to thermal oxidation, the MultiPhase is much less expensive to install and operate over time. There is no perpetual natural gas cost, and consequently no dependence on the unreliable natural gas market. Systems are custom-engineered to the application and are operated like standard industrial equipment. The MultiPhase is fully instrumented, integrates with the plant control system, and can be rapidly brought on and offline.


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