• How Will Airly AI Help Tackle Pollution?

Air Clean Up

How Will Airly AI Help Tackle Pollution?

May 01 2021

In recent years, concerns about the quality of the air we breathe have reached fever pitch. Indeed, the UK saw a landmark court verdict last year when a coroner ruled that air pollution was the cause of death of a nine-year-old girl in London. As such, it’s becoming more and more important that governments, businesses and consumers alike have access to up-to-date information on the air quality in their area.

Despite this, almost two-thirds (62%) of governments around the world do not share any real-time data on air quality with their citizens. In a bid to address that knowledge deficit and equip everyday people with the tools they need to protect themselves from ambient pollution, a new artificial intelligence company called Airly has launched a platform capable of delivering accurate information on an ultra-local and up-to-the-minute basis.

The predictive power of AI

Airly are aiming to empower everyone around the world with the knowledge to combat air pollution by installing a network of particulate matter sensing devices, capable of measuring concentrations of all the major contaminants in a given space. Then, by partnering this data with Airly’s robust artificial intelligence programme, citizens can avail themselves of accurate predictions of air quality in their area with a 95% verifiability factor.

This means that Airly can deliver a warning system for pollution hotspots at significantly reduced costs for businesses and governments. Meanwhile, the company’s R&D department has already opened negotiations with a number of mobility companies to arrange to have their sensors incorporated into cars and scooters, thus obtaining a more comprehensive picture of urban air quality that is sensitive to minute-by-minute changes.

Air quality info for all

Having demonstrated impressive results on a small scale, Airly has secured $3.3 million in investment to expand its operations and meet the needs of entire cities. In this way, it can help to keep the costs of urban air monitoring down via an ingenious solution that makes use of the latest in cutting-edge technology to achieve accurate and localised pollution predictions.

“Polluted air is a plague on our health – it’s like a pandemic in slow motion. Improving air quality needs to be at the core of the world’s post-pandemic rebuild and Airly is the first step to pollution-free cities,” explained Wiktor Warchalowski, CEO and co-founder of the company. “With this funding, we can expand our global footprint to support even more cities, enterprises and communities to repair the air and empower them with data and actionable insights.”


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